we all have something to say and we all want someone to listen

Thursday, April 24, 2014

letting go

I really believe that there's feelings we should hold on to, but I'm going to talk about the ones that we should let go.
There is such a great importance in letting things go, it's  funny actually because it's one of the hardest things to do. As humans, we're always holding on to certain feelings towards something or someone, and we're so afraid of letting them go. I was stuck in a  situation of holding on to feelings of bitterness over something that really didn't even matter anymore. That's what holding on to things does to you; it gives you a feeling, of  'I'm stuck'. I thought about it and not being able to let things go only holds you back. It's not affecting anyone else but you and the way you feel. Whatever it is that you're holding on to ask yourself  "does it truly matter?" and I'm almost sure your answer will be no. So consider letting it go and starting over whether it be with feelings towards yourself or someone else. I guess I'm writing this because I'm proud of myself for being able to let go. It's great that as humans, we always have the ability to let go and start over, so we should take advantage of it. I feel a lot better now. 

breathe easy

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